Public Lab Research note

Unsuccessfully trying to upload a main image

by Alex_the_Ukrainian | March 13, 2015 21:20 13 Mar 21:20 | #11676 | #11676

I’m new to the PublicLab website. My first post was made yesterday – with somewhat 50% success. The text appeared on the website almost immediately, several attempts to upload an image were unsuccessful.

Today I make a second attempt. I’ve resized the image to fit exactly 600 * 400 pixels. It’s size is 107 KB.

And how it looks. Local time 10:50 PM. I check the Internet Status on my comp, write down the Sent counter. On this Post webpage I click the “choose the image” at the right, locate the file on my hard drive, and press “Open”. The message “Uploading” appears at the right. The Sent counter changes for approximately plus 130 KB and stops.

The message “Uploading” is still there.

I’m writing this post in the word processor.

11:10 local time. Copying my text onto the Post webpage. The message “Uploading” still there.

Please make me know if something could be done. The browser I’m using at this comp is IE, and the system is MS Windows Vista.

My e-mail

Regards, Alex

P.S. After pressing Publish, the Main Image placeholder appears red. The reminder to choose an image appears under the text. Once again I locate file and press Open, and the Uploading message is now also under the text window. After waiting for 5 min I'll press Publish once again.

P.P.S. 11:40 PM local. One more attempt to upload, "Uploading" message under the text window. After waithing for 3 min I'll press Cancel and Publish


It looks like you were able to solve it with a faster internet connection?

I'm sorry you had trouble!

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Yes, the faster connection plus Chrome had solved the problem. I'd like to experiment someday with 1) faster connection plus IE, and 2) slower connection plus Chrome. I suspect it's something with browser.

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