Public Lab Research note article on Sulfur release to Chalmette

by eustatic | December 24, 2012 23:07 24 Dec 23:07 | #5328 | #5328

Chalmette is east of New Orleans, and east of the lower 9th ward. there are a couple of refineries and a pet coke facility there.

Murphy refinery, recently acquired by Valero, is known for spilling large quantities of oil into the surrounding neighborhood.

Chalmette refinery (ExxonMobil) is known for poisoning the neighborhood. I have a Katrina story, in which a friend of my aunt's, rushing to get back to his Chalmette home immediately after Katrina passed, fled the scene once his silver cross turned black in Chalmette's air.

This was told to me as a religious story, but i interpreted the story as a sulfide release, and a good reason to wear silver jewelry in Cancer alley.

In a 2005 letter to DEQ criticizing a consent agreement between DEQ and the Chalmette Refinery that required it to buy the Chalmette Vista monitoring equipment for DEQ, Tulane Environmental Law Clinic director Adam Babich said additional monitors should be required all along the refinery’s fenceline to assure that the source of air pollutants could be identified.

Without fenceline monitoring, debate will continue as to whether the pollutants measured by the monitors come from the Chalmette Refinery or from some other nearby facility,” Babich said.


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