Public Lab Research note

Carabiner Kite Line Attachment

by MicheleTobias | July 29, 2012 22:06 29 Jul 22:06 | #3014 | #3014


If you need to attach a camera to your kite or balloon line, you can use commercially available line clips, or you can just use a carabiner. Carabiners are easier to find and they don't weaken the strength of the line. Simply wrap the line a few times around one side of the carabiner and as long as the line is under tension, the carabiner doesn't move.

I've used this method successfully for a while on my lifting parafoil that flies at a fairly low angle, and recently we found it to be very successful for attaching a camera to a delta kite as well, which flies at a very steep angle (almost directly over head).

I may have originally seen this idea at or possibly another site.


You can also use the much smaller carabiners often used for deep sea fishing. Remember, they only need to carry the weight of your camera (~300 grammes?)

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Thanks Michele, based on your suggestion, I switched to very small carabiners sold for keychains back in April. they work great-- I've had the same experience-- no line slipping even when my delta is straight over head.

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Oh good! Yeah, it's not cheaper than the KAP Clips, but the carabiners are just easier to find.

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do you think it'd hold enough tension on a balloon flight? Has anyone tried this?

Very cool, i've been hearing about line clipping techniques for a while but haven't taken an opportunity to test them... i'm still tying butterfly knots. But i'll give it a try this week.

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I don't know if it will hold tension on a balloon-- I've been using it on kites. my next balloon flight I'm going to add a loop of line by tying a it on with a prusik knot

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just to report back -- i started using this and have never looked back! Wonderfully minimal! Reduces my attach-to-line time to a couple seconds, and saves my line from lots of wear! Thanks!!!

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