IMG_3967 ###The Public Lab process is### that local researchers ask and answer their own environmental questions, and use the results to advocate for locally defined social, political, and environmental goals. Our model for our model for civic science tools can be summed up as accessible hardware + field work + free software = high quality local data . . . chain of custody . . . transparency . . etc ###Our process creates good accurate, traceable data.### ###Precision vs. Accuracy### (use images to help tell this story) ###Calibration### of tools is crucial to accurate results . . . ###Aggregation and sharing data improves the results### . . . find out how . . . Navigation Bar [Developing Open Source Tools with Public Lab Draft Page](/wiki/developing-open-source-tools-public-lab-draft-page) [Developing Open Source Tools with Public Lab](/wiki/developing-open-source-tools-public-lab-draft-page) [Public Lab Store]( [Public Lab helps EVERYONE Monitor the Environment](/wiki/public-lab-helps-everyone-monitor-environment) [How any one can participate in the Public Lab community](/wiki/how-any-one-can-participate-public-lab-community) [Public Lab helps people create great Data](/wiki/public-lab-helps-people-create-great-data) [Public Lab supports community investigations](/wiki/public-lab-supports-community-investigations) [Public Lab's Accomplishments to Date]