*As part of the [Grassroots Mapping Curriculum](/wiki/mapping-curriculum) series.* Getting started in the field. Quick checklist before going out to do actual field work: - understanding which materials you would like to use and how they work - review of all safety matters and regulations - acceptable weather conditions The strategy for mapping a particular site will depend on the area of interest. How large is the area? What potential hazards are present, if any? [![tmp_27077-5955443642_73dc2c7262_o2096177160.png](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/010/012/medium/tmp_27077-5955443642_73dc2c7262_o2096177160.png)](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/010/012/original/tmp_27077-5955443642_73dc2c7262_o2096177160.png) At Western Carolina University, the student mappers covered the large area of the university by flying 3 separate times in spatially distributed locations.