Welcome! On this page you will find programming, activities, and resources related to formal and informal education. Browse recent work on curricular materials: #education, and [subscribe to the education tag](https://publiclab.org/unsubscribe/tag/education) to get updates. ### ## Activities Here are some different activities particularly suited for use in the classroom: [activities:classroom] **** ## Posting assignments on PublicLab.org You're welcome to post your own assignments to PublicLab.org with a "Post a Response" button, and have student's responses collected in your post: https://publiclab.org/wiki/requesting-responses Here are some examples: [notes:seeks:responses] **** ## Questions [questions:education] ## Resources Check this [wiki](http://publiclab.org/wiki/funding-sources-for-science-teachers) that has some information on funding sources for science teachers. ![PartsNCraftsSpectralTurntable.jpg](https://i.publiclab.org/system/images/photos/000/001/316/medium/PartsNCraftsSpectralTurntable.jpg) ### Join the education mailing list: The welcome message at https://groups.google.com/group/plots-education reads: Welcome to the education working group of the Public Laboratory. One of our main goals is to support K-12 curricular objectives using Public Lab tools. Our first steps to this end include - education calls - researching state curricular objectives - modifying our Public Lab instructions to be both grade level appropriate and align with state objectives Please join this group to get involved. https://groups.google.com/group/plots-education **** ## Education group [people:group:education]