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Question: normal or noIR camera?

by iamben | January 04, 2018 00:11 | #15456

Hi I am waiting for the lego to arrive and have the raspberry with raspi camera v2. Considering there is the pi noIR camera from raspi isn' that a more interesting option for the spectrometer in general because of the larger range of the spectrum? Is there an advantage of the normal camera?


I think either would work, but haven't tried it myself. Once you get this assembled, please do and share your results!

I went back and forth between the two cameras. In the end I went for the standard but slightly regretting it now. Is there any data on the additional wavelength the noir covers? I vaguely remember that they only cover near infra-red, but I suppose extra data is extra data.

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I would guess the normal visible light range (~400-700 nanometers or maybe 750) plus all the way up to 900 or even 1000, depending on the type of sensor it is. I'd be surprised if it went much past 1000nm, based on having used and tested other cameras.

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